The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79712   Message #1451162
Posted By: Bobert
03-Apr-05 - 06:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ten Commandments on Public Property?
Subject: RE: BS: Ten Commandments on Public Property?
Why post them at all?

Well, I think there's a fine reason and it really has nothing to do with any particular church having power over the state...

We have thousands of laws in out country and millions of law breakers. And what happens to a law breaker when he gets caught? Well, sometimes nothing at all but most of the time some form of punishment. Be it a fine, or probabation, 'er whatever...

But what this has reduced moraluity down to, ahhhhh, is thousands of laws and thousands of punishments...

But has this system alone made people more moral? Well, no. I would argue that it has made people less moral in that it removes one's behavior from the spiritual to the legal and therein lies a large obsticle if the human race is to survive...

Now I don't want to get to far up on my soapbox here, but we need to simplify it for folks. As long as there are thousands of laws with thousands of loopholes it gives mankind way too many choices...

This is why a George Bush, procalimed Christain, can get about another 100 million procalimed Christains to invade Iraq and kill 100,000 people. Loopholes...

Now if "Thou shalt not kill" and verses similar from other holy books had been printed on the backs of buses and hung in schools then I'd dare say, irregarless of one's particular religious beliefs, then maybe the message would have sunk in to the point when George Bush went before the country to sell his war, the country would have not been such an easy sell...

Okay, that's on a national level.

Now if we take it to the personal level and the message that killing is spiritully wrong, except in extreme cases of self defense when lesser means have been exhausted, then I would argue that we wouldn't be a nation where its citizens are at war with each other...

This is my point. Yes, I am a Christain but I do not hold these views because of my Faith but because of my humanism...

I'm sure that we could get folks who represent all the various Faiths, put them in a room, find commonality and put together a nice PR program to change folks hearts. And if it involved the schools, or court rooms or backs of buses, I can't see where the Founding Fathers would have one bit of trouble with it...
