The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79712   Message #1451357
Posted By: Bobert
03-Apr-05 - 10:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ten Commandments on Public Property?
Subject: RE: BS: Ten Commandments on Public Property?
No, not really, Carol because in drawing the Christain Right into *our* conversation we take folks who have been brainwashed by the Jerry Falwell's and turn them into folks with whom we will now be sitting accross the table from... Yeah, think about it... It could represent an *opening* to take back a lot of *supposed* Christains by empowering them while teaching them the art of compromise...

This ain't rocker surgery here. Just good ol' fashion salemanship. Yeah, you can stake out yer new scripture and get absolutely nada or you can *compromise* yer positiona and maybe move a little closer to yer perfect world...

My position is that if we can use the strengthes of various religion to a position of commonality then, hey, it is a first step..

If you want to continue the debate over how many angeles can dance on the end of a pin, to stick to yer position irregarless of it's unrealistic reality of ever 'rounding the curve, then so be it...

I have offered a *compromise position*...

And one that does not subvert the Founding Fathers desire that one church does not take over the government...

I know of no other words to state my modest proposal so you may continue to *hold the fort*, as that is yer right, but I am out of this thread until there is some movement on yer dogmatic position...

But with that said, you know that this ol' hillbilly not only loves ya but has come to yer defense a time 'er two 'round this joint...
