The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79877   Message #1451441
Posted By: GUEST,Little Robyn
04-Apr-05 - 03:45 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Padstow's Obby Oss
Subject: RE: Folklore: Padstow's Obby Oss
I know it's been going since time immoral!
Now, if you can put a date on that.....
Hi Alexander. I'm actually a Kiwi but my Gr,gr,gr,grandad is up in the churchyard. In fact, he carved many of the headstones there and signed his work as well. Have a look for anything with PT at the bottom right, or P Trescowthick. Or you'll find him and his family not far from the door, on the side that goes to Church Lane. He died in 1872 and I was in Padstow in 1972, for his 100th anniversary.
Are you still in Dennis Road? My friends, Alan and Enid are at Tremorva, also in Dennis Road and they usually telephone me as the Blue Oss goes past. But last year the route was changed and the Oss turned off before their house. Do you know what's going to happen this year? If the Oss goes past number 46, and if you're there at the time, you might be able to say 'Oss Oss' to me in person. We usually hear from 'Our Barry' who is a distant kinsman of mine.
Oss Oss,
Keep 'er gain',