The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79882   Message #1451450
Posted By: Pauline L
04-Apr-05 - 04:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Pope: Non-obit thread
Subject: RE: BS: The Pope: Non-obit thread
I certainly agree with Guest that the Pope was an anti-modernist "who did his damndest to undo the Vatican II reforms, and turn back the tide of modernization (ie birth control, recognition of the equality of women--which the Roman Catholic church STILL hasn't done, etc.) in Europe and North America in particular."

I burn up, as I have for years, when I hear people say that the Pope was wonderful because he was humble and related well to common folk. Yesterday I heard someone rhapsodize on this theme and add that he was great because he made several trips to North and South America. (?) When I hear people say that he carried on the work and spirit of Vatican II, I really can't stand it. I consider it close to blasphemy.

This Pope was a man with a theatrical career who maintained his sense of drama when addressing the masses. He manged to convince many of them that he was one of them. He opposed liberation theology, abortion, equality of women (notably with regard to keeping them out of the priesthood), and Communism. In fact, he reminded me of Ronald Reagan, who was not one of my heroes.

I hate to think about what would have happened if he had suffered severe brain damage and been kept alive with a feeding tube for 15 years.