The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79509   Message #1452317
Posted By: Ebbie
05-Apr-05 - 01:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dream Interpretation
Subject: RE: BS: Dream Interpretation
Ebbie March 22 1:37: "I was responsible for six or seven babies- who were still in the lying flat on the back stage - and all day long I never got around to changing them or feeding them. I was so afraid that someone would find out... The babies weren't unhappy but I knew they must be very wet and hungry."

Two more baby dreams last night. I feel like I can almost interpret the theme but not quite.

This time it was a happy dream- or maybe it was two dreams, not sure - the one was of a Bald Eagle that was nurturing a chick of another species. (Could have been a chicken chick, not sure) The eagle knew that the chick would not eat/could not survive on a diet of fish and it was scouting around looking for things for the chick to eat. Twice the eagle inserted the chick's head inside the eagle's beak- regurgitating?

The other dream was of a day-old human baby that I was caring for, although it was not my own. This baby was precocious, to say the least. It communicated clearly and at a certain point it started saying words. I marveled to other people: This baby is just a day old and it is learning to talk!

By the time the dream was over, the baby was walking and I marveled to others, Isn't she little!

Any ideas? ha