The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79724 Message #1452861
Posted By: GUEST,jOhn
05-Apr-05 - 02:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jamie Oliver - Folk hero
Subject: RE: BS: Jamie Oliver - Folk hero
Your all missing the point on how this scandalous treatment of kids started, a few years ago scool dinners were provided by the local council, at that time, all the money was spent on food [raw ingredients] and staff wages. Then the goverment brought in competetive tendering, wherby companies were invited to tender for contracts to supply school dinners, [cheapest ones got the contract], to cut costs they served up psuedo food [reconstituted crap that a few years ago would have been thrown away],
West Yorkshire schools spend 24p per meal on raw ingredients, [you cant even buy a tin of dog food for that!
I saw the programme referred to, and was amazed to see that a few of the school dinner ladies [supposedly "cooks"!, could not even slice vegetables up, one woman was close to a nervous breakdown, after been asked to do the job she is been paid for!
It's the same situation in hospitals, contract cleaning companys bid for a contract to clean hospitals , cheapest one wins .
"We'll clean your hospital for twenty seven pounds a week"
"Ok, great, start tommorow"!
Then they get the cheapest staff, chenicals and brushes possible, and then folk wonder why hospitals are dirtier than abbatoirs, and MRSA is rife.
The money they save buy feeding kids on shite, and having dirty hospitals, the spend on stuff like opera house and dome [only cost about a billion quid.
bunch of useless bastards the lot of them, [goverment, council folks, the whole lot of them].