The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79882   Message #1454247
Posted By: Wolfgang
07-Apr-05 - 06:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Pope: Non-obit thread
Subject: RE: BS: The Pope: Non-obit thread
Or if it were some other religion we would be labled racist or bigots. (Raptor)

I think you're right there, some might do it, but that's not a valid reason in my eyes not to have a thread like this focused on JPII and the religion he stood for.

Discussing problems, crimes, or erros of one person or one religion doesn't get any better by mentioning unrelated or even similar problems of other persons or religions.

Joe Offer has written in the other thread what he would like to change in the Catholic church and has addressed some very specific Catholic problems arising from celibacy of priests, never ending marriage etc. I wish at least some of the changes he wishes for are made for all of them are changes to the better in my eyes. Pedophilia by priests for instance would drop drastically I think if celibacy would stop to be a requirement.
