The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80005   Message #1454462
Posted By: GUEST,Declan
07-Apr-05 - 11:53 AM
Thread Name: Dilemma:Sing what you like/what good at?
Subject: RE: Dilemma:Sing what you like/what good at?
There are a lot of good songs in that list, so I wouldn't think you're off to a bad start. It's a good thing that you're thinking about what you like singing and choosing songs that suit you. However I wouldn't spend too much time agonising over it.

If you enjoy singing a song it will probably come across to the listeners and enhance their enjoyment and your own. If you're doing it because you feel you ought to that will come across as well.

Be prepared to experiment, try out something and if it doesn't work either work to change it for the better or ditch it.

Variety is important so I wouldn't get hung up on saying I don't like doing x type of song. If you find something you like and think you do well don't worry about the genre or whatever, keep doing it.

You're dilemna arises out of the fact that people said you sang a particular song well. Take encouragement from the compliments but don't let others influence you into doing songs you really don't like - you're the one who will be stuck singing them into the future.

There may be something in the fact that the unaccompanied song went down well and if so you should try to build on that. For example it may be that the fact that you didn't have to concentrate on getting the accompaniment right enabled you to put more into singing the song and that came through in the performance. You could try doing some of the ones you like to do with accompaniment unaccompanied and see what the reaction to that is.

Either way keep doing stuff you like and eventually you'll come up with a set of songs that work for you. As time goes on you'll add and drop songs from this set as the mood takes you.

Dick Gaughan has had 30 years or more to get to where he is now, so don't expect to get there overnight. And enjoy the journey!