The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79882   Message #1456662
Posted By: Ebbie
09-Apr-05 - 08:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Pope: Non-obit thread
Subject: RE: BS: The Pope: Non-obit thread
I had read that Carter had declined because there "were other people who really wanted to attend." The official invitation to the funeral was for a 5-member presidential delegation. That did and should have included President Carter. Instead, the five-person party consisted of President Bush, his wife, Laura, former president Bill Clinton, former president G.H.W. Bush and Condoleeza Rice, the Secretary of State. They said that Gerald Ford at age 90 is too frail for such a trip. But why Rice??? A second delegation from the US government also attended- it seems that there is where Rice fit. I'm with Kendall- it infuriates me. Carter was MUCH more of like mind and respect with John Paul II than the bush ever thought of being.

The Washington Post

"The reason has touched off a classic Washington imbroglio fueled by suspicion, animosity and distrust, one that has reopened a rift between the camps of the former president and the current one. When Carter was left off the delegation list assembled by President Bush's White House, Democrats assumed he was snubbed. The Bush The Bush team is angry at what it considers an unfair smear."

"According to people on both sides most familiar with the discussions, the episode grew out of a sequence of telephone calls during a fluid two days that evidently left room for misunderstanding. White House Chief of Staff Andrew H. Card Jr. called Carter at least twice to invite him to join the delegation. Carter initially accepted, but when Card called back and reported that others were interested in joining a delegation limited to five members, the former president withdrew." (Why did Card make that call? What other response would have he expected from Jimmy Carter? Eb)