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Thread #79882   Message #1457133
Posted By: GUEST
10-Apr-05 - 11:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Pope: Non-obit thread
Subject: RE: BS: The Pope: Non-obit thread
Good on ya there, Guest 11:22 AM!

Also Scaramouche, there is that pesky little detail about Rwandan priest Father Wenceslas Munyeshyaka becoming the first priest convicted of genocide by an international war crimes tribunal.

Oops! I guess we forgot about how the Roman Catholic church in Rwanda participated in the genocide, and failed to stop the slaughter where it could have. Predictably, the official Vatican line is that only individual priests, not the church as a whole in Rwanda, can be held accountable for the genocide. It's the familiar "just a few bad apples" excuse.

However, in a meticulously reported series of articles on the aftermath of the Rwanda genocide of 1994, Newsday foreign editor Dele Olojede spares no one-including Rwanda 's dominant Roman Catholic Church. During the 1994 murders, approximately 800,000 members of the Tutsi tribe were exterminated by the Hutus. "Some of the worst massacres," Olojede reported "occcured right inside churches and parish compounds, many with the active collaboration of [Hutu] priests." Olojede also notes that other priests risked their own lives in order to save the lives of Tutsi and were often massacred with their parishioners. But, he notes, "many more become footsoldiers in the extermination campaign or passively accepted its inevitability."

Rwanda Archbishop Thaddee Ntihinyurwa declared, "Many have asked, how can a Christian country do this? My answer is that you can't talk only about Rwanda…the first genocides happened in Christian countries also, like Germany and Armenia."