The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15664   Message #145743
Posted By: Lin in Kansas
06-Dec-99 - 08:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat CANTINA!
Okay, peoples, give me a break here--I've never been to Australia, so Ozland for me is Wichita, Kansas, USA--'cause like you said, this is where Dorothy and her little dog Toto caught the Tornado Express (and we saw several of those this spring/summer, too). (BTW, Seattle stole their moniker "Emerald City" from us--just because THEY have trees, and we don't, ain't no excuse!)

Sorry, 'Spaw--but don't let me keep you from checking out those skivvies...and Jeri, I'm not so sure about "above the buttock"--may be closer to the "middle of the buttocks," whaddaya think? (They do call this part of the country "The Heartland," ya know.

Sheesh! That toddy musta really took hold--think I'll stagger over and have a corn ship...uh chip...or two. Aine's horny toad is starting to look good to, ain't he a cutie?