The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67150   Message #1458069
Posted By: OtherDave
11-Apr-05 - 12:23 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Do counties matter?
Subject: RE: Folklore: Do counties matter?
Most languages (well European anyway) generally use the definite artical before the noun

Getting further off-topic, that'd be those languages that use articles (definite or indefinite). It's curious that the Romance languages use them when Latin did not.

Recall when English speakers used to refer to a certain East European location as "the Ukraine." This form was not possible to express in Ukranian, since that language doesn't use articles.

You have to watch what you're saying about language. Geoffrey Pullum, a British linguist, told a lecture group at the U. of London that that many languages have SVO (subject-verb-object) order as their standard mode (e.g., English, "you read a book"), and many VSO ("read you a book"). Others have SOV, and a very few have VOS. "The other two logically possible orders, OSV ['a book you read'] and OVS ['a book read you'] do not occur at all."

Student Des Derbyshire raised his hand and said, "Excuse me, sir, but I speak an object-initial language." (Hixkarynana, a Carib language in northern Brazil.)