The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80164   Message #1459159
Posted By: jimmyt
12-Apr-05 - 12:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Big Breasts?.......
Subject: RE: BS: Big Breasts?.......
Let me pose a question here. What difference does it make? If a woman wants to have plastic surgery to have larger breasts, or to have a facelift, or whatever cosmetic changes she decides to make, what difference does it make? (or a man for that matter)

Is she hurting anyone with this decision? Is the surgeon doing something wrong here? I am trying to see just what the point is. If someone wants to have larger breasts and feels it will help her feel better about herself, how is this really any different from cosmetics, hair color, make up, what clothes she wears, etc?

I read a bumper sticker once that I really thought was great. It said, "If you don't believe in abortion, don't have one." This is sort of the same concept. I probably have opened another kettle of fish here, but really, in the big picture, shouldn't people be able to do what they want without other people passing judgment on whether it is wrong or right? Just asking.