The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80164   Message #1459328
Posted By: jimmyt
12-Apr-05 - 03:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Big Breasts?.......
Subject: RE: BS: Big Breasts?.......
Now I totally concur with folks who are talking about what values society has placed on them or the perceptions etc. I am much more interested in the person within the body than what it looks like. Cosmetic dentistry is my "cross to bear" having people coming in daily who want white teeth etc when they are not at all interested in dealing with the dental disease they have. It is pretty much a job of reeducating though. I think the bog boob phase is running its course though as my daughters were talking to Jayne saying that people who get these giant boobs are mostly Nascar fand nowadays. I don't know exactly what that means but I thought it was a great menatl image! grin