The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79702   Message #1459540
Posted By: Lin in Kansas
12-Apr-05 - 08:13 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Methodist Pie
Subject: RE: Origins: Methodist Pie
Camp meetings, or "brush arbor revivals" as they were called in my youth, went on in rural Texas at least through the 1950s and 1960s. And ALL denominations, Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Catholic, and (gasp) Presbyterians (should any survive there) were welcome and indeed encouraged to attend. Usually a brush arbor meeting would last at least three days, involve visiting "revival" preachers (heavily into hellfire and damnation) and attempt to get everyone enthused or "revived" with whatever religion they practiced. While most of the attendees were quite sincere about them, the meetings were also considered entertainment and were an exciting event around my home town. And yes, the "church ladies" brought lots of pies!
