The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80223   Message #1460677
Posted By: Bobert
14-Apr-05 - 12:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert's Race Thread
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert's Race Thread
I would love to bridge the gap, WYSusan, with John... I don't hear John sayin' the same things I am sayin'. I wish I did but I don't... I don't wnat to sound too generalizin' but it seems that John doesn't see any reason why white America owes anything to black America... Hey, that is one long bridge to build...

I believe that white America has screwed black folks and indiginous folks and has profited greatly from the screwin' an' it time to pay the fiddler...

Now if John and I were so closely alligned in out thinking then I would think that John would step to the plate and say, "Hey, maybe Bobert's right on this one. Heck, he was due since he has been wrong on everything else. But he's right"

But I don't hear that???

And I don't hear that from white America???

The blame always comes down to the victims...

"Yeah, if "these" people want to get anywhere "they" are gonna have to pull "themselves" up by "their" bootstraps...

Like, ahhhhhhm "they" got any bootstraps???

(Two more hours in WYSusan's "quiet corner", Bobert...)
