The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80154   Message #1460867
Posted By: Bobert
14-Apr-05 - 07:35 AM
Thread Name: The George W. Bush Thread.
Subject: RE: The George W. Bush Thread.
Well, your daddy was right, d... But this is nothin' new... Hitler knew that he would need the industrialists in order to centralize power... My dad, before he died two years ago told me the same thing and my dad was also very scared of not only Bush but the folks he had surrounded himself with... And this from a Nixon Republican businessman...

Same tune, different day...

And what is so scarey nopw is seeing what these autocrats are trying to do with federal judges... This is definately brownshirtism at its best/worst... I'm just hoping that Joe Sixpack will come out of the trance long enough to come to the defense of democracy but at best, that;s just a hope as Joe seems to caught up in consuming, workin' his butt off, being in debt over his head and the usual: NASCAR/Budweiser/coutry music...
