The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80223   Message #1461521
Posted By: SINSULL
14-Apr-05 - 06:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert's Race Thread
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert's Race Thread
My observations:
Slavery destroyed black families, forced them into a matriarchal hierarchy, and black men (in general) never recovered.
Fast forward:
While other racial groups can assimilate if they choose into a white society by learning the customs, the language, whatever, blacks stand out because they are black. Racism whether based on race or religion will always exist because there will always be a disenfranchised group that needs a scapegoat.
Discrimination against blacks exists in housing, employment, education. I have seen it first hand and it has nothing to do with credentials, qualifications, etc. Behind their backs even the black executive is referred to as the "schwartzer" by other executives. Sad and ugly but true.
I worked for one company that routinely hired based on capability and experience. Most of the management happened to be black - strong, aggressive business men who attracted other strong aggressive black businessmen. Funny but both the white and the black administrative staff resented them. Go figure.

Martin - this is one of those times when your enforced distancing from in-person meetings has led you astray. Bobert is genuine. His "voice" is consistent. A "cunning scheming radical???? Please explain.

There is a strong probability that Jesus was black or at least dark skinned. A black Jew - wonder how he would fare in Hometown USA.