Thanks for posting the complete lyrics, Chris A. I had been trying to transcribe them form the Kirkpatrick-Harris record, but could not get a few of the words.
Here are the liner notes from the Kirpatrick and Jones LPs. I found them quite interesting.
JK/SH: The fair at Weyhill, near Andover, Hants, has been held continuously for at least eight hundred years. In the eighteenth century it was one of the greatest horse fairs in the country, and Daniel Defoe wrote about it. Only the words of the ballad survived, so Roy Palmer fitted them to the tune of a comparable Yorkshire song, Shelburn Fair.
DJ: According to Roy Palmer, who printed Weyhill Fair in hs collection "Room for Company," this fair, near Andover in Hampshire, dates back at least to the eleventh century and is still an annual October event. The song tells of the various strategems used by horse traders to make their merchandise more attractive to prospective buyers. Roy Palmer fitted a tune collected by Frank Kidson to the text. --------------
Note - I think the Roy Palmer book is probably still in print. I don't have a copy, but if it still is in print it would be available from the usual sources.