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Thread #80275   Message #1462519
Posted By: Apache
15-Apr-05 - 06:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: religious fundamentalists and women
Subject: RE: BS: religious fundamentalists and women
I hate some parts of the Christian Doctorine. The entirity of the Jesus story contradicts what it is to be a God. Reproduction is a means of continuing the family line, it's one way of reminding us that we are mortal, Deities don't need to reproduce, doing so would be pointless and contradict their infalibility. The phrase Son Of God implies reproduction rather than creation.

Also jesus supposedly lived his life on Earth as a Man, as a Human. Humans cannot claim to be deities, Jesus KNEW he was a Deity and supposedly prooved it on many occasions. That is not the work of a man. He didn't live as Man On Earth, he lived as God Incarnate on Earth, which is totally different. No wonder they missed out his teenage years, could you imagine a kid going through pubertywith deitific powers? This is the major point of my distrust of the Christian Faith, the fact that Jesus was not a Man but a God Incarnate, it spoils the whole point of coming down here in the first place. Also "Thou shalt not worship false idols." this is a fairly imprtant rule in Christianity however Jesus is still worshipped. He was supposed to be a Man, a Human, surely worshipping a Human as a Deity would be classed as a false idol.

If God really did exist then TV Evangelists wouldn't!!! Its either/or, you can't have both.

I'd love to see a crucifix where Jesus wasn't of the Arian Race, he was an Arab, not White. This blatent show of racism by the church is a disgrace and a mockery of all the religion stands for.

The Pope led a thing through Africa spreading the word of Iam, converting all the townsfolk to Catholosism, telling them not to use contraception and to love thy naighbour. AIDS and HIV trebled in the next few years and as more poeple were converted the AIDS and HIV grew and grew. I couldn't believe it when I heard that the Pope was publicly telling people in Africa to have non-protected sex (only with a marrital spouse of course.) Talk about blind Faith.

Belfast annoys me, Catholics vs. Protestants. "You worship God!", "Yeah, well so do you!", "I'm gonna kill you!", "Not if I kill you first!". They all worship the same God for crying out loud, if anyone asks what religion you are, say Christian. Catholosism and Protestant are NOT religions, the are denominations of the same religion.

The one thing many Christians forget is that Jesus was infact a Jew. The blatent religious discrediting of anyone outside the Christian Faith should be reviewed as to this point. The one person that saved the Christian Faith was a Jew. I'd be congratulating then, not slandering them.

Christians believe in Monotheism, however God himself (through a prophet of course) said "I am a vengful and jealous God" Why would he say that if he was the only one? What/Who is he jealous of and why? Why did he say "a" instead of "the". All leads to there being more than one Deity.

The Roman Catholic Church is the largest comany in the world and also the richest, far surpassing Microsoft. With more employees and affilates than any other commercial company. Because that's what it is, it's a commerical company, even more than that, it's a franchise buisness. They control how each new version of the bible is written to tailor for new trends and language. It is in their interest to keep people believing.

Fundamental Christians who take the bible literally really really annoy me. Translation, local colloquialisms, cinematics, over enthusiasm, the writers own take on what went on, writing from memory, slang, poor handwriting, spelling mistakes and church interferance and re-writing through 2000 years all lead to the fact that the bible cannot be taken literally. The old letter P looked much like an F, so five loaves and 7 fish could have been five loave and seven pish. Pish was a kind of unleavened bread that was extremely filling and very long lasting. 5000 could have been an over emphasis or simply over estimation. Peoplewo tell stories always make them sound more dramatic and amazing than they actually were, why is the bible any different. The translation for the word 40 can also be miscintrued with the word "many". It rained for many days and many nights... There are loads of little thingsg like this.

People who say "It's God's Will what happens to me." Didn't he give you Free Will? Doesn't that mean it's upto you? The whole pont of you having Free Will means that it is not God's Will but your Will that comes into play. Blind Faith is Bad Faith. "Don't worry, God will save you!" No he bloody well will not!!! Has he saved anyone recently? Between Earthquakes, Wars, Tsunami's, AIDS, Terrorists (aka, non-christians who kill people or threaten to kill people or act suspicious or breathe) he hasn't really saved that many people, what should make me any different, why would he pick me out as someone to save? Save me from what anyway?

I odn't like people who presume that just becauseyou are Caucasion, living in an MEDC that you are Christian. "You'll go to hell for that you know!" my repply to this would be: "No, actually, Hell is a Christian depiction, I'm not Christian therefore I won't go to this Hell of yours, you may believe I have but I won't have because in my religion Hell doesn't exist, not as you know it anyway, I will go to my religion's "Hell"."

I am Agnostic, I would believe if there was proof, but I have seen nothing in my lfetime that would make me think it was anything to do with this great all seeing all knowing, alll powerful, kind, loving Deity. Aside from that there is no way of actually prooving it because to prove it would break the belief system. Do you believe in a table? No, you know it's there, you don't need to believe in it, it's right there in front of you, you know it exists. Religion works on the fact tat no-one really knows if it's real or not. Would you have the same respect and love and belief in God if he came round once a week for a coffee and a hob nob (with caramel)? You wouldn't need to believe because he'd be there, there would be no mytery.

Christianity claims to be the only religion and shuns every other or tries to convert them into the cult yet it is taken from so many different religions before it. As I said before in my previous post about Oestro and Odin. It's a shame copyright laws weren't in effect then because Christianity would have been stopped a long time ago.

"God" is far to much of a generic term, why didn't they name him? Every other reliegion named their Gods, why does Christianity have to be different. It'd be like one of us being called Human.

My main brunt with Christianity is against the Church and mainly the Catholic Church, not against the religion as a whole, the premise of the religion, love, peace, mercy, compassion, kindness, good will... that's fine. It's when the fat cats in the Vatican start dictating people lives through fear of devine retribution that I get annoyed. People telling you to do stuff because it says it in the bible or not to stuff because it's either not in there or says not to.

How many Fundamentalists drive to work, masturbate, drink alcohol, smoke, wear man made fibres, don't wash their guests feet, go online, own a mobile, get annoyed at cold callers, roleplay or even own a house with windows and don't pay window tax? All these things were either scorned or didn't appear in the bible, some because they didn't even exit when the bible was written. How can you live a 21st century life word for word from a 2000 year old book with half the pages missing?

I am quite double standardised though, I do not believe in Yahweh, however I am Agnostic, I am a Royalist, I support the Monarchy whole heartedly and I also pray. Moreover I ask questions to the wind and hope for an answer, usually questioning his existance and reaffirming that I would believe if I had proof, if I had a devine awakening.

I think the Pagan Path holds much more truth, Gaia is their "deity" as such but She isn't worshiped as a deity in the same way as Yahweh or Allah or Vishnu. She s Mother Nature, she is the trees, the wind, the forest fire, the aminals, te flowers, the birds. They are all representaions of her.

Christianity took this mythos and changed it a little, She became He, He became vengefull rather than passafistic (Vengful deities bring more followers, people feel safer under a Deity that will lash out.) Rather than being everything He became know as being IN everything. Things were created in His image rather than being representaions of the deity.

The pagan Goddess Oestro was the goddess of fertility, it's where we get the word "Oestrogen" from. Her harvest was in Spring to welcomethe turn of the year, the change of the season and new life. Christians took this and made Easter with the helpful event of Jesus' death. They stolethe festival from the Pagan's to keep them happy. Hence the Easter Eggs. Also Odin, high Deity of the religion Odinism and Norse mythos, he was tied to a tree arms out streched and stabed in the side and bled water (although he did also have his eye gouged out.) The tree was a tree of knowedge and he gained godly powers after this experience (after he died) and created the halls Of Valhalla.

Anyway, rant over, i hate doing that, it wriles me up.

Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs though, just please don't force Christianity upon me.

If any Christians were offended by what was said then forgive me, that's what you do isn't it, forgive people.

Sorry for the rant, i'm a nice guy really.