The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80313   Message #1463303
Posted By: Joe Offer
16-Apr-05 - 11:46 PM
Thread Name: Happy! happy? Happy! Index (PermaThread)
Subject: Happy! happy? Happy!
In the Help Forum (click), somebody noticed two threads they thought were duplicates. One was titled    happy? - April 16, and the other was Happy! - April 16. There was also one called Happy! Sam on March 31, 2003. There was another on August 31, 2001; and a few others I'll track down and add to this list. Hey - we even have a Happy - no troll thread.

The "Happy!" and "happy?" threads are a trademark of the infamous and inimitable Abby Sale, and I ask that we reserve that title format to Abby. I'm looking forward to what Abby comes up with in the future.

-Joe Offer-
This is a PermaThread®, intended to serve as an index to the Abby Sale Happy! threads. Abby will coordinate the thread and I will do the editing work. Note that this is an edited thread, and all messages posted here may be moved, deleted, or edited.
-Joe Offer-

You'll find historic "Happy!" posts at Dick Gaughan's Website.