The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79951   Message #1463497
Posted By: oombanjo
17-Apr-05 - 10:05 AM
Thread Name: Old Time Music in the Park (UK)
Subject: RE: Old Time Music in the Park (UK)
Yup, get there Friday, have a play eat and drink ,play some more. bed. Saturday breakfast play around vans & tent playing in other areas of the Park Bandstand Oringery.ect. More food and wine,if the weather's good campfire and play. If bad weather play in the Oringery and/or the ship thats for the Sat afternoon to. Sundaysame in the morning with get togethers talking and teaching. Sunday pm Hpe the dance teams are in play for dancers and play in the Oringery 2 till 4. The dance team have said that they will give lessons/ you see it is intended to be very lose and is intended for the players/dancers, and visitors, to enjoy themselves in a informal friendly atmosphere.Monday some of the same.Ideas welcome