The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80223   Message #1463862
Posted By: wysiwyg
17-Apr-05 - 07:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert's Race Thread
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert's Race Thread

All the Jews I have known were working class and in some cases, working poor. Close friends among these lived, as I did, in the suburban slum surrounding the old Sky Harbor airport. If there had been a trailer court there, we'd have been there, side by side-- my house smelling of oven-broiled cheeseburgers, and theirs of kasha.

Now I live where there are a LOT of trailers. My focus now (as you know) is church stuff, and those ministries leave little time for a personal life or friends of other cultural backgrounds. However, although our area has very few people who identify as Jewish, they-- like many othter folks in the county-- live on farms and/or in houses, apartments, and-- yep-- trailers.

What this tells me is that like most groups that identify to a cultural commonality of some sort, Jews are a pretty diverse lot.

Of course for you to really believe me, I guess you'd have to come to a Mudcat Gathering here sometime, and we could do a driving tour of various trailerhoods and count mezuzahs (sp???). But then your identity would be "outed," because I would not give you directions till I'd gotten you to take an order for good Chicago dogs to bring along with you! :~)

"Outed" or not, I hope you'll come to one sometime. Lotta bluegrass here, too, so I think we could keep you entertained.
