The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3073   Message #14640
Posted By: lesblank
13-Oct-97 - 06:08 PM
Thread Name: John Denver
Subject: RE: John Denver
I first saw "John Denver" in the flesh, picking and singing solo in 1962. I had just gotten out of service and enrolled in Fullerton Jr. College, Calif. The Vets Club has scheduled a fund raising concert featuring the Greenwood County singers. The show's opener was a youngster who played an 18-string guitar named Henry Dutchendorf, Jr. As sergeant-at-arms for the Vets Club, I got to pick him up and escort him to the auditorium, and in doing so, got to talk to him for a bit and listen to him warm up prior to going on. I knew that I was listening to history being made. This was way before Jet Plane or Sunshine or any of the great stuff that came later. His show that night contained nothing of his own, at least I don't remember any. I have never heard some of those classics done better in nearly forty years. I'll miss him and will cherish those two evenings.