The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80105   Message #1464294
Posted By: Susu's Hubby
18-Apr-05 - 09:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Walmart: Union-Busting SOP
Subject: RE: BS: Walmart: Union-Busting SOP
To all WM bashers concerned:

If you want to pay thirty to forty percent more for your personal items at some mom and pop shop, then by all means, please do it. Quit telling us how to do our shopping. I really don't blame WM for closing the doors at the sight of union organization. If I were a business owner, which on three separate occassions I was, I'd close my doors also if I was threatened with extortion from some union. There are plenty of people out there that know exactly what they want and don't want. I think that most people know that there are more illegal activities going on inside unions all across the country than there ever has been going on inside Wal-Mart. Don't continue to think that a union is the ultimate answer. It seems in this case to be the reason why lots of people LOST their jobs rather than receive an increase in pay. What about those people who didn't want to join the union? Where are they now? Probably working for minimum wage in the mom and pop store instead of making better than minimum wage and having some type of benefits offered to them. But I guess that is OK with all of you. It seems to give steam to your cause when unions cause people to lose jobs and benefits and add to the roles of people on welfare.
