The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79712   Message #1464339
Posted By: GUEST,Amos
18-Apr-05 - 11:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ten Commandments on Public Property?
Subject: RE: BS: Ten Commandments on Public Property?
The foundation of American Law, Dave, are the Magna Carta, the Bill of Rights, and the original Constitution.

John is correct when he says religion does not matter. It has no place in the commons of social discourse. Lawmakers and voters should by trying to discharge their responsibility as citizens of a nation under law, not trying to dramatize their kooky versions of an undefinable metaphysic. To resort to religion in this realm of discourse is as bad as resorting to voodoo or alchemy.

Seek all the blessing you want to seek from the Infinite, in the privacy or your home or among your congregation. When you come to the commons to debate social engineering and the best way to build free nations and have free people, leave your religion the hell out of it. It only clouds issues and makes nonsense of what must be made clear and sensible if it is to work.

If any of the postulates from the Ten Commandments, the Wisdom of Lao-tzu, the Koran or any other source (including Marx and Darwin) are genuinely workable and should stand, by reason of merit as social guides, on a par with the fundamentals mentioned above, let them find their way into the common discourse, written in clear and common language, leaving out obscure magick and un-testable claimed authorities. Surely we have had enough foolish incantations. I, at least, am sick unto laughter at the pseudo-reverent, arrant Mongolism of humans running around scraping for imagined companions.