The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80375   Message #1464776
Posted By: GUEST
18-Apr-05 - 08:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Important re AUTISTIC children
Subject: RE: BS: Important re AUTISTIC children
Yes agreed brucie. But it could still link to a sudden increase in the diagnosing of autism. There are numerous studies that will show 'proof' both ways. The parents face the dilemma and act as best they can.

In uk the increase in autism was/is being put down to the triple mmr vaccine. So far no studies show conclusively one way or the other. The gp's will only offer the triple vaccine. It is cheaper. We have to go to private doctors to get single vaccines. However the single vaccines have not been tested to the same standard that drugs authorised by our gp's have been, or so we are told.

If I had sons instead of daughters, I would not hesitate to pay for the single vaccines.