The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80105   Message #1465115
Posted By: Ron Davies
19-Apr-05 - 05:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Walmart: Union-Busting SOP
Subject: RE: BS: Walmart: Union-Busting SOP

I echo Kat's posting of 15 April 2005 3:14 PM. But, closer to home--I recall you said you've had several businesses, all of which failed.   Perhaps your attitude toward employees---they should be grateful to get anything above minimum wage-- played a role.

It certainly does illustrate crystal-clear the need for unions--to counter such selfish and shortsighted greed.

Contrast your entrepreneurial record with that of Bobert--he started a successful business. I suspect his attitude toward employees was vastly different from yours.

As Kat says, there is in fact a point to treating employees decently. A few pennies above minimum wage doesn't cut it.