The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80388   Message #1465347
Posted By: Dave'sWife
19-Apr-05 - 10:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Puppy Power
Subject: RE: BS: Puppy Power
I have a 6 year old Alsatian and he's just perfect. Wasn't always so! As a Puppy he used to like to stand and bark at me angrily at times until I read ..

The Holy Bible of Dog People:

HOW TO SPEAK DOG - it's on Amazon. The guys name escapes me - I've bought and given away at least a dozen copies. It's like Dr. Spock for puppies and dogs of all ages.

It's a darling book, heartwarming but sensible, diagrams of dog body language included. It also explores every possible vocalisation a dog can make and then some. He begins the book with a charming Russian fable about how Dog came to Adam & Eve after their explusion from the Garden and offered to help them out and how Dog and Man came to be fast friends as a result. I've told that story to members of my congregation who often ask me to repeat it when we are together with people who haven't heard it.

My best advice is ROUTINE in all things.

Feeding your puppy the same amount of food at the same time each morning will produce a predictible time table for you to take her out to go have a bowel movement.

Also, teach her the word PIDDLE. Say it every time she whizzes and praise her. That way, at night, when you want her to take her 'Goodnight Piddle'.. all you have to do is say 'Piddle Puppy, Piddle' and she will. Ours does. In fact, he gets cranky if he doesn't get his Goodnight Piddle.

Our dog Trainer reminded us not to consider the dog a child (hard to do at times) not to overfeed (not very hard) and not to overstress the puppy. As a result, we managed to raise a happy, well-adjusted DOG not a neurotic canine child who can't stand being separated from Mommie and Daddie.


TAKE LOTS OF PHOTOS cuz just likes children, they don't stay that little very long.

I'm jealous. My Boy is 90 pounds now and so grown up. He used to sleep in the bed with us until he was 2. He'd start out with us and then eventually feel like going to his own bed at the foot of ours. During storms or whenever he got lonely, he'd sneak up under the comforter and get between us, stretching himself out lengthwise so my hsuband wouldn't notice until he got a paw in the face. Now he's so very independent and mature. He'll still play with me every day, but it's not the same as having a cuddly, needy, adorable baby dog. >sigh<