The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80408   Message #1465986
Posted By: Bill D
19-Apr-05 - 09:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: New Pope Elected
Subject: RE: BS: New Pope Elected
" does the choice of Pope actually mess with your own life..."?

like saulgoldie says....

What G.Bush does can affect the life of a Chinese peasant, too. It's that kind of world now.

This pope can and will make religious decisions that affect political and political decisions. The pope during WWII did not speak out much against Naziism, and gave Hitler a lot of extra 'muscle-flexing' room. I have no idea what Benedict will do specifically, but his basic attitudes WILL affect the behavior of many people - both postively and negatively, and *I* may be indirectly affected. In these days of instant global communication...TV & internet...etc., it is much easier for someone with clout to press their advantage.

   Their was an interview with a nun who was earlier instructed by Cardinal Ratzinger to "STOP ministering to gays & lesbians"...she certainly thought his message could affect people beyond her personal life.