The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80275   Message #1466047
Posted By: JohnInKansas
19-Apr-05 - 11:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: religious fundamentalists and women
Subject: RE: BS: religious fundamentalists and women
Uncle DaveO

The scary part of it is: She apparently LIKES Fundamentalists. She's a little over the edge, but numerous examples I know less about indicate that the dictatorial controlling attitude of her choices of husbands is fairly common among men of Fundamentalist belief. I don't think it's one of the "doctrines" of the belief; but the rigid pseudo-morality of those in the Fundamentalist "faiths" attracts men of this kind.

brucie -

If all she wanted was more sex, there are plenty of "decent(?)" men out and about looking for it; and quit a few of them would be (or would have been) willing to marry her and would have been unlikely to be abusive. Several that I know have attempted to approach her during her brief "available" periods, and at least one that I know fairly well claims to have "begged her to get better acquainted" and was repeatedly rebuffed. This one claimed to have told her "if you don't want to go out with me, let's get married and go home." I believe he was serious. He's no particular prize, and probably has serious drinking problems (apparently one of her other "requirements"); but has kept trying for several years with no success. She'll be 35 in a few months, so maybe her life will turn around(?).

Since her multiple marriages have produced only a couple of children, it's doubtful that much sex was really a part of any of her marriages.

Although her case is exceptional, the point relative to fundamentalists and women is that the treatment she received repeatedly is apparently common among fundamentalist men. In "domestic abuse" reports in the local newspapers, and in cases discussed in the occasional "abuse information" articles, cases in which severely restricting the woman's activities and contacts are reported nearly always cite fundamentalist belief and practice by the husband. (Biblical justification for physical abuse is also common in these cases.) "Rigid control" is what attracts them to the belief, and they feel justified in being "rigidly controlling."
