The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73340   Message #1466302
Posted By: LilyFestre
20-Apr-05 - 10:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
Subject: RE: BS: Today Is A Good Day Because......
2. I finished another step closer to being done!
3. My professor lost one of my reports but *because I'm smart..LOL* I had saved it! (Don't laugh..there have been occassions when....).
4. Tried Kava tea this morning and found that I LOVE IT!
5. I have had a productive morning...made a nice breakfast, packed my honey a nice lunch, did the dishes, got two loads of laundry done, made an appointment for the dog to be groomed, packed up a box for Veronica, moved all the flats of seedlings outside for the day and there's more...but this is where I'll stop. :) Busy Busy Busy
6. Oh yeah, can't forget, talked AGAIN to an old high school friend for about an hour and a half. He's coming home to visit...can't wait to see him! :)