The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80435   Message #1466345
Posted By: JudeL
20-Apr-05 - 11:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Chocolate the anti-cancer drug?
Subject: BS: Chocolate the anti-cancer drug?
In a UK National Newspaper on Tuesday, hidden away on an inside page was an article entitled "Chocolate helps fight cancer".

snip.... Eating chocolate could help beat cancer, according to university researchers. They found a chemical in cocoa that appears to stop the spread of tumour cells.
Professor Robert Dickson of Geogetown University in the US said "there are all kinds of chemicals in the food we eat that potentioally have effects on cancer cells. We found that a natural compound in chocolate may be one"
The researchers treated breast cancer cells with a purified form of the ingredient pentamer. Cells stopped dividing and several proteins which regulate their life cycles were also switched off.
Dr Dickenson said it was not clear how the pentamer works although it may be there is some kind of "master switch" that turns off the cell growth. He added that the results could also apply to other forms of cancer.    ....snip

Yeaa .. more good reasons to eat chocolate