The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80408   Message #1466467
Posted By: Jimmy C
20-Apr-05 - 02:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: New Pope Elected
Subject: RE: BS: New Pope Elected
Another way that the teachings of the Catholic church harm non-Catholics: the lies they are spreading about how condoms are one of the causes of AIDs transmission, which undermines the education and AIDs efforts of non-Catholic aid workers trying to stem the tide in places like Africa (where sex outside marriage is very common), and in Asia, where the forced prostitution trade and child sex trade has resulted in an explosion of the disease.

Where the hell did you get that from. The catholic church forbids condoms - but only for catholics, you and I know that many catholics use condoms and birth control etc. The church may condemn them but cannot stop the manufacture, distribution and purchase of them. The forced prostitution etc is not caused by the church - it is caused by poverty, corrupt governments and the greed of adults in those countries, adults who put money in front of everything, why don't these pimps supply the condoms. how can you blame the church on that ?.