The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80408   Message #1466601
Posted By: Burke
20-Apr-05 - 06:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: New Pope Elected
Subject: RE: BS: New Pope Elected
Ratzinger made an attempt to have a third made infallible after the fact, John Paul II's statement that the Church had no authority to ordain women.

I wonder if that means he'll make the statement again infallibly. That seems like a bad idea. The male only tradition would be hard enough to change as it is, but it's possible that in the future the change would come. An "infallible" statement ties the hands of your successors. Maybe now that he's in the seat, he'll realize the implications of this.

Only half of all Catholics world-wide have a voice in their church--male Catholics. That silence is harming everyone.
Only 117 of all Catholics world-wide have a voice and that only when a new pope is being selected. The Roman Catholic Church is not a democracy. That's why there are so many cultural conflicts between the Church & Northern members. It is a world-wide church & it seems pretty obvious that the most important issues for Western Europeans & Ameriancs are not the same as in Africa, South America, the Phillippines, etc.

See the Anglican Communion to see how the fracture lines run.