The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80105   Message #1466749
Posted By: Ron Davies
20-Apr-05 - 10:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Walmart: Union-Busting SOP
Subject: RE: BS: Walmart: Union-Busting SOP

"This thread is doomed" 7:35 AM 20 Apr 2005----if you think about it a bit, you may just possibly figure out that every thread is doomed. Duh.

But it can always be resurrected. So, in common with most of what you've said, that statement is meaningless.

2 nephews of yours refused to join the union, so you're not a big fan of unions. OK, fine.
As Dianavan has pointed out, however, that was their choice--you make your choice and you live with the consequences. And pointing this out is by no means a personal attack--unless you're so sensitive as to perceive it that way.

If you can't stand the heat....

It's also clear from what you've said about workers that you would be the "boss from Hell"--well, I sure can't think of anybody who would voluntarily work for you.

I'm sure that your attitude toward workers had absolutely nothing to do with the failure of your businesses. On the other hand ,as I pointed out, Bobert, with his far more generous attitude toward employees (and people in general), started a successful business. I'm sure it's just total coincidence.

Also, still waiting for your comments on the Maryland legislation--I wonder why they would think Walmart should be contributing more toward medical care for the poor--unless it's for the reason I cited--Walmart systematically underpays its lower-paid workers, and provides such abysmal health care coverage that it has to be forced to do what it should already be doing.

Yes, I know you think companies have no obligation beyond paying minimum wage--certainly none on health care.

Ah, for the good old days before the labor movement. Sorry--they're gone--you lose.

As for the "wisdom" of the US electorate now voting conservative--actually it's pretty clear that the result this time was primarily due to the successfully hate- and fearmongering campaign of our illustrious "leader". Demogoguery works--that's been obvious long before Germany in the 1930's.

Always glad to hear your response.

But--just think-- if you want the thread to die, all you have to do is not respond.