The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16005   Message #146692
Posted By: InOBU
08-Dec-99 - 03:25 PM
Thread Name: Where were U 19yrs ago- Lennon was shot?
Subject: RE: Where were U 19yrs ago- Lennon was shot?
That was one of the mornings that having a radio alarm clock was not blessing. My wife and I, living in NY, awoke to a single sentence, John Lennon has been shot and died at the hospital. For thouse of our generation, the shock has profound, perhaps as much as the day, over the school PA, the anouncement that President Kennidy was shot. As to you who were too young, and how time flies. I went to law school, later in life. A number of us grey headed students used to hang around one end of the coffie lounge. One day, the Kennidy assasination came up, and we spoke of the effect of the PA, anouncement. The youngest student at the table, who we never thought of as much younger than the rest of us, said, You guys had PAs in school then! So did we, I remember when I was in third grade (or so) and I heard that the space shuttle had exploded. Most of us, as adults when that happened, felt it was only the other day, and suddunly felt about 30 years older then a moment before. I guess we messure time by our survival of these horrible moments. Emagine that. Larry