The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80375   Message #1467738
Posted By: Rasener
22-Apr-05 - 04:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Important re AUTISTIC children
Subject: RE: BS: Important re AUTISTIC children
>>Its also important that parents of autistic kids be given the funding that is necessary to provide respite care. Its a big job! All parents need a break but the parents of autistic kids need regular breaks so that, they too, can live a 'normal' life. <<

That would be really nice. However, our daughter would be very unhappy to be offloaded on other people. We adopt inclusion and take the rough with the smooth and get on with life. Nobody else will do it for us. As parents, it is our responsibilty. We brought them into the world. We gave up a long time ago trying to get respite care, becuase there is always someone else worse off. Basically there are not enough resources to go round.

May I also add that we love our daughter very much and woudn't be without her.

She is nine, and said to us the other day that she didn't know or understand what was expected of her when somebody is angry, so she justs smiles. How about that for wrong vibes.