The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79530   Message #1467762
Posted By: GUEST,Anon, Trad Arr.
22-Apr-05 - 05:24 AM
Thread Name: Topic Folk Club, Bradford
Subject: RE: Topic Folk Club, Bradford
Lizze B quotes in speech marks - mine after >>>

'I went to the Topic last Easter to see Keith Kendrick and what a great performance he gave, but what an audience!!!
Apart from several singer friends of Keith's there was hardly anyone there.'

>>>I'm a bit puzzled by your comments Lizzie. Not about Keith, I agree, a top-notch performer that I've seen and admire greatly – But specifically about your motive and reason in putting down a hard working and worthwhile folk club.

>>>The Topic advertises its gigs in the same manner as all other West Yorkshire clubs. Via leaflets, posters, Tykes News etc
As a result, any guest would expect to draw in
1) club regulars that are interested in the coming attraction
2) their own fans (travelling in from wherever)
If very few turn up on any given night, it seems harsh to blame the club itself – or worse still those that actually did turn up ('but what an audience!!!')
Folk from either of those categories may have had something else on that night (and not necessarily folky!).
Did Keith have any other West Yorkshire gigs in the weeks either side of the Topic one? What was the weather like? I could go on, there are so many, many variables.

'The MC didn't have a clue about the guest [obviously not done his homework].'

>>>Would the MC have been (the usual) John Waller? He has a very laid back style that may have been misinterpreted by yourself. His usual delivery is always courteous, laced with dry humour and, thankfully, brief.
All too often, far too much time is lost while MCs extend their intros into the realms of a performance on each introduction necessary through the course of an evening.
Besides which, who knows what pressures of family life or work may have been affecting him that moment in time. He may very well not have had the opportunity to 'research' any given guest, a pity, but hardly a hanging offence.
I, for one, would rather have an MC announce 'Ladies and Gentlemen, put your hands together for….' and gain more valuable time to hear the artist that I'd paid to come in and see.

'There were no resident singers to support Keith thank goodness his friends were there to fill the gap.'

>>> I believe the Topic arrange their floor-spots in advance where possible. They openly ask for 'submissions' on their website and via their (constant!) newsletters to their substantial mailing list This way, they choose to feature 'new' or 'different' fare each week rather than a club where the same folk get their resident spot every guest night (A practice which can become weary if one attends any one club on a regular basis).
I must guess that no one proffered themselves on this occasion, or that some of those friends of Keith emailed or telephoned to book a spot – they had their instruments to hand did they? May be so then.
The Topic also then tries to accommodate those that turn up on spec where possible.
Where none of these options happen, John will happily do a 'turn' himself.
I see no reason (or by-law) that dictates all clubs must have residents or that those residents MUST turn up every time.

'The proceedings were interrupted every ten or fifteen minutes by a bloke in a wheelchair trundling across the floor, from the other bar, to go to the loo.'

>>> This I find the most disturbing of your comments.
Music to take precedence over basic human rights and dignity?
Not for me.

'I was very disappointed as it used to have such a great reputation in the early days of the folk revival and I had heard good reports of it in the past!!
If there were a category in the Alternative Folk Awards for the worst
folk club in the country, the Topic would get my vote.'

>>>Like many other clubs, there have been 'boom' years in its history.
At present, like many other clubs, it may have fluctuating fortunes week on week.
Meantime, a hard-working bunch of individuals strive to keep a club – and folk music – alive and happening in Bradford. They need our help and support, surely, and not this negative kind of thing.

>>>I should point out…
The Topic is not my 'home' club, but a neighbouring one for me.
I am not on the committee or connected to any of them socially.
I AM a folk performer that has been guest at the Topic in the past (and am deliberately remaining anonymous lest anyone cynically infer that I defend the club for a mere booking)
I AM on their mailing list and support the club when I can.
I DO attend guest nights there when some one's on that I'd like to see – and am actually ABLE to go. (Sadly wasn't able to go when Keith was on).

Good luck to the Topic.