The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79530   Message #1467806
Posted By: George Papavgeris
22-Apr-05 - 06:51 AM
Thread Name: Topic Folk Club, Bradford
Subject: RE: Topic Folk Club, Bradford
I "did" the Topic 3 weeks ago, and I recognise none of the negative comments posted here. Quite the opposite, John Waller was friendly to me & short and to the point in his intros; the audience was very welcoming and warm, joined in every chorus from the word "go"; the bar staff humorous and friendly, and the WC doors did not bang (!).

Plenty of parking and a nice size room with very good acoustics and very appropriate decor added to the positives.

And the Guinness was nice and cold. And if they don't stock my all-time-favourite hooch (whatever that might be), that is hardly a hardship - it doesn't even register as a sore point.

Power to the Topic, and long may it continue to run.
