The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80152   Message #1467860
Posted By: GUEST
22-Apr-05 - 08:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK Elections
Subject: RE: BS: UK Elections
"Crystal" What do you mean "the BNP hijacking OUR culture". The people in BNP are British and it's OUR British culture. Don't be so stupid. I am in the BNP - it's my culture too and I LOVE folk music. You'll find a lot in the BNP do, along with our beautiful classical music. (And you'll find many 'folkies' who agree with us too)

Folk music is part of our heritage and identity - that which we are trying to save. In this so-called 'multi-racial' country White children are not taught about their English musical heritage. They are not taught about their roots but have rap/black music etc forced onto them on Kids TV.

And why is it so wrong for the BNP to highlight White people being killed in racist murders? Why on earth is that "sickening"? Do we not count?
You really believe all the rubbish about us being 'Neo-Nazis'. Look at our site
"Emma B" take a look - you tell me what is so 'nazi-ish' about that. Many BNP members have grandparents who fought against the Nazis.

You lot have not a clue what's happening outside this forum for example in Oldham. I challenge YOU to walk through there any time of the day and get out without being attacked by asians.