The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80368   Message #1468566
Posted By: LadyJean
22-Apr-05 - 10:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bad things Canada has done.
Subject: RE: BS: Bad things Canada has done.
There was a Canadian math teacher at my old prep school, who was waspish and disagreeable. She once kept my sister after school for saying that the rib she broke really did hurt, and she wasn't exaggerating. That sort of prejudiced us against Canadians.
I had a housemate from Newfoundland, for several years. When I mentioned him to Canadians, they would say things like, "He's not a Canadian, he's a Newf." Or "All those Newfies are on welfare."
When Don was working, he was the kind of guy who'd come in during his vacation. When he wasn't, he'd clean my kitchen to within an inch of it's life. He was annoying at times, but not a bum.
But folk from Toronto and Ottowa won't believe me when I say so.
I got Don a book that described the two armed rebellions that are a part of Canada's history nobody seems to want to talk about. He was amazed that there were uprisings in "niceland".