The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15909   Message #146857
Posted By: Mick Lowe
08-Dec-99 - 08:11 PM
Thread Name: Calling All Smart Arses
Subject: RE: Calling All Smart Arses
I think Áine you've been watching too much Monty Python.. Know what you mean.. say no more..unless of course it's about frames in which case I can bore for England.. now that's out of the bag.. there goes my street cred..
And Emily I'm so sorry I forgot to mention your contribution re "My Ain Country", but you've already had thanks from me and Bill. I got the impression he was right pleased to get the lyrics.. it gives one a right buzz to be able to help someone out in that way..
Sorry I was rambling.. and I've still no idea what most of the threads posted here are on about.. but what the heck..
Merry Christmas everyone.