The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80375   Message #1468577
Posted By: dianavan
22-Apr-05 - 10:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Important re AUTISTIC children
Subject: RE: BS: Important re AUTISTIC children
Yes, Guest, it would definitely help to find the cause of autism. As a teacher who works with autistic kids and their parents, I also find it sad that so many look for cause so that they can blame someone. I, believe mercury contamination might be the problem but with so many chemicals in our environment, it is pretty hard to figure out which one might be the cause. I need to focus on helping those already struggling with the problem and leave the investigation up to others.

Villain, I know how easy it is to love autistic children. I also realize how hard it is for them to accept new people and new situations in their lives. It has been my experience, however, that autistic kids won't accept changes on their own. When the change is necessary, they do adjust in time and can become quite attached to their caregivers. Some couples need time to themselves and some couples seem to get along without respite care. It is my wish that those that need it, are funded. It is also my wish that more programs become available to autistic kids. With support, I have watched autistic kids grow and learn in ways that nobody thought possible.