The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80436   Message #1469475
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
24-Apr-05 - 03:00 PM
Thread Name: Got any musical tricks ?
Subject: RE: Got any musical tricks ?
pigsty hill - the drummer used to play his drum sticks all over the floor of the stage

brownsville banned used to start playing and then one of them would stop and then another and then another - until the whole trio had stopped playing, but the music continued (they had been skillfully miming to a track) - meanwhile the band would light a primus stove make egg sandwiches an play a game of darts!

for a while paul downes when he split from Phil Beer used to gig with this other banjo player and they would play duelling banjos, and they would swap hands so that one hand was fretting what the other guy was playing and vice versa.

the Morton fraser harmonica gang had a similar sort of thing - with several of them playing a big harmonica