The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80516   Message #1469567
Posted By: Bill D
24-Apr-05 - 05:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: More on left-wing Anti-Semitism
Subject: RE: BS: More on left-wing Anti-Semitism
to briefly address the subject:

There certainly are folks who harbor anti-semitic feelings..on both the left and the right....just as there are folks of various types who are racially prejudiced. They can be spotted fairly easily in some cases, not so easily in others.

The problem comes with the "if you aren't for us, you're against us!" attitude. Criticizing a Jew or a Jewish policy is not the same thing as criticizing Jewishness or Judaism, and sadly, there are folks who have such a big chip on their shoulders that they can't...or won't tell the difference.

Perhaps it's a bit of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" notion. I rather think that a better metaphor here would be the "Boy who cried "wolf" story."