The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16005   Message #147082
Posted By: Patrish(inactive)
09-Dec-99 - 10:29 AM
Thread Name: Where were U 19yrs ago- Lennon was shot?
Subject: RE: Where were U 19yrs ago- Lennon was shot?
A bit of a thread creep here.....
I remember sitting on the carpet doing a jigsaw of a medieval jousting tournament, when the phone rang, and my Mum then told my Dad that his mum - my Nana had died. It is almost 33 years to the day. It was the first time I saw my father cry. It was the first time I appreciated what death meant. It took me 31 years to forgive my nana for dying. I felt as if time stood still for me all those years ago, I was so angry and stunned.
My Nana was the world to me, she introduced me to folk music, sugar and rhubarb, and dolly mixtures. When someone famous dies, I feel very much for their relatives, because it all becomes so public. In some ways that must be a comfort because anyone who has ever lost a loved one must find it hard to understand how people go on living normally. ( I can remeber thinking how can the milk just be mum has just died..!! but it is the way... life goes on) So when John Lennon or Princess Diana died there is a great outpouring of grief, but ite the private getting on with you life that is the real hurdle.

sorry if I have gotten a bit emotional about this

kindest regards