The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80620   Message #1470826
Posted By: Amos
26-Apr-05 - 12:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: the Anti-Semitism of the Intellectuals
Subject: RE: BS: the Anti-Semitism of the Intellectuals
America, on the whole does NOT suck. It is a gran country full of fine, energetic, bright people with courage and vision. That's a bit less than half of them, anyway.

But unfortunately, grand country though she is, she has fallen into the evil hands of people who want to twist and distort her basic nature, make her take on qualities she never had, and force her to do things against her nature, such as unilateral invasions and the slaughter of civilians. These things are not part of the greatness of this country; rather, they are part of her most psychotic nightmares, shared by the minority and run up the flag in place of her actual ideals when the occasion seems to permit it.

In times when that is the case, the rational spirit of America is replaced with fear, destructive rage, underhanded and secretive styles of management, and the mopst debased power-mongering.

That's the kind of time we live in now.