The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80620   Message #1471085
Posted By: Susu's Hubby
26-Apr-05 - 08:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: the Anti-Semitism of the Intellectuals
Subject: RE: BS: the Anti-Semitism of the Intellectuals
I think that everybody needs to study their history and consider a little scriptural history whenever thinking about the Israel/Muslim conflict.

The Jews and Muslims have been fighting with each other ever since the days of Abraham. Why? Because both peoples were started with Abraham. The Jews are actually brothers with the Muslims. They're fighting over the same parcel of land because God promised Abraham that his descendants would be the chosen people. Now since both are his descendants then who has the rightful claim?

I believe that the Jews have a rightful claim to the land. (and as of 1948 so did the rest of the world.) The Arabic people were introduced upon this earth because of sin in Abraham's family. That doesn't mean that they're cursed but it does mean that they were not the ones originally chosen to specifically be God's chosen people. The Bible isn't only a book you can read in church. It is rich in history and can be a good learning tool.

When I read Martin's posts, I read a lot of sensitivity from him about this subject. Maybe that sensitivity is justified seeing the nature of a lot of posters here. Amos has probably been the most even in his analysis and has posted some good thoughts on this subject. The article from George Will has really hit the nail on the head. But I think a lot of you refuse to see that. Maybe because it's you that the article is about. Think about it.
