The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80645   Message #1471286
Posted By: Burke
26-Apr-05 - 11:53 AM
Thread Name: Why folk don't sing
Subject: Why folk don't sing
Take a look "The "Subject" is Singing: Singing as Social Practice" in The International Journal of Community Music Selected Papers from the
Music and Lifelong Learning Conference and Celebration 8-10 May 2003.

[Victoria Moon Joyce argues] that adults who identify as "non-singers" are in the majority in mainstream North American society and I attribute this to a number of factors: the excluding effects of many music education practices, cultural beliefs around talent and giftedness, the cultural expectation of performance as the primary goal of music making, a lack of recreational singing spaces, the erosion of publicly funded music education, the feminization of singing as a devaluation, the industrialization of entertainment and the subsequent saturation of recorded music and technology which makes music a spectator event rather than a participatory activity. To complicate this, making music in a context of late capitalism means that anybody's cultural practices are up for grabs and exploitable as commodities. Thus, with practices intended to draw people into music making as a normalized lifelong practice, such as multicultural music, there is the danger of inappropriate uses of music of 'Others' – the music and practices of those whose culture and subjectivity is otherwise subordinated and devalued.